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Primary Care Physician
Curtiss W. Combs, M.D.
Curtiss Combs, M.D. is a Family Medicine Specialist in Temecula, CA, and has over 23 years of experience in the medical field. He graduated from Loma Linda University School of Medicine in 1997. He is affiliated with Loma Linda University Medical Center at Murrieta and Temecula Valley Hospital. Dr. Combs specializes in family medicine and senior care and is currently accepting new patients. Dr. Combs and the providers of Temecula Valley Family Physicians continue to serve patients in-person and via telehealth appointments.
How to Change Your Primary Care Physician to Dr. Curtiss Combs?
IEHP Only Psychiatry Records Release
Psychiatry Records
Temecula Valley Family Physicians
Our Providers
Curtiss W. Combs, M.D.
Patient Testimonials
Dr. Curtiss Combs and the providers of Temecula Valley Family Physicians are compassionate and knowledgeable healthcare providers who proudly serve Temecula, Hemet, and surrounding communities. Please view the following testimonies from some of our patients.